Liebster Award

Liebster Award

Thank you Katie from the blog Sherlockianbooklover for the nomination. Check out her blog people! ๐Ÿ™‚

liebster award

The rules:
  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gives you.
  3. Nominate 11 blogs that you think are deserving of the award.
  4. Let the bloggers know you nominated them.
  5. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Here are The Questions that Sherlockianbooklover has set and I have answered…kind of.

1. Which celebrity would you swap bodies with for 24 hours?

Sir David Attenborough, he has travelled the world for over 60 years and seen so many extraordinary places, events, animals etc, and he is probably Britain’s most famous modern explorer. I would love to travel at some point in my life, and Attenborough’s documentaries have probably been the defining image of many people’s childhood’s and arguably the reason why many people want to go travelling as he has made 60 years worth of documentaries about those places they want to visit.


2. How old were you when you first discovered a love of reading?

I can’t remember exactly, but I do remember when I was about 6 when my Mum read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone with me, and it captivated me and I have been a Potterhead and an avid reader ever since.

3. What was the first book that was ever read to you?

One of my earliest memories was listening to my Mum read to me The Animals of Farthing Wood. We also collected the magazines and watched the TV series.

4. Would you rather live in the world of Divergent or the world of the Hunger Games?

I am a fan of The Hunger Games book and film series, so I am plumping for the Hunger Games. Though at times it would be terrifying, I am quite competitive and level-headed enough to survive whatever President Snow would throw at me. Plus, I would get rid of Peeta (nicely) so I can be with Katniss. ๐Ÿ˜‰

5. Edward or Jacob?


6. Which bookย to movie adaptation is your least favourite?

Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters. Absolutely horrendous adaptation. Utterly, utterly awful. Don’t bother.

7. What superpower would you invent just so you could have it?

The ability to multiple whatever I want. I would use it for good, multiply food and water for everyone. But also for my own means. Multiply Emma Watson? Of course!

8. Name three characters whoโ€™s name begins with H. (from different books please)

I struggled to think of book characters beginning with H… but I managed to name Hermione Granger (Harry Potter obvs), Haymitch Abernathy (Hunger Games) and Holmes, Sherlock (That’s not cheating! :p)

my_collage (11)

9. Marmite? Love or Hate.

Never tried it. I don’t intend to as the smell isn’t very appealing to me.

10. Finish the sentence. โ€œI love reading becauseโ€ฆ..โ€

… I love the feeling of escaping toย any place, time or life, which is only possible in the pages of a book.

11. Favourite Disney song?

A Whole New World from the film, Aladdin. Two somewhat underrated Disney songs that I quite like are I Won’t Say I’m In Love from the film, Hercules, and I See The Light from the film, Tangled.

My Questions for my followers to complete.

  1. Favourite Book?
  2. What made you start blogging?
  3. Name the one place in the world (money no object) you want to visit.
  4. What famous-for-being-famous “celebrity” do you hate the most?
  5. If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  6. Why do you follow my blog? ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Popular or acclaimed film that you did not like?
  8. Advice or tips you wish you would have had when starting blogging?
  9. What person in history would like to meet, and why?
  10. Which fictional character do you see yourself as?
  11. What underrated book or film doย you like, and you would want others to check out?

The Followers I am nominating for the award are;

The Misanthropologist
Classy Fun Chic
FictionFan’s Book Reviews
Book Reviews &ย Haikus
Thats Beauty Kirstin
My Fave Sub Boxes
Guylty Pleasure
Matt’s Blog
The Writing Hufflepuff

Give them all a follow when you have a minute ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

12 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Thanks again for the nomination! ๐Ÿ™‚ I so agree about books giving you the ability to escape to other places – even imaginary ones, sometimes. And without any pesky hanging around in airport departure lounges… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! Really enjoyed reading your answers and can’t wait to answer your questions as well. Love your sentence about being able to escape in books and totally agree! And Sir David Attenborough – interesting choice, but totally agree with your reasoning. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Congratulations on your nomination Richard! Very well deserved ๐Ÿ™‚ I loved your answers. Seeing you’re a Harry Potter and Animals of Farthing Wood fan rally made me smile (me too!!!) what lovely memories to have with your mother.

    I wouldn’t choose Edward or Jacob either :p

    Thanks so much for my nomination, it really means a lot!

  4. 1.Favourite Book?
    In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

    2.What made you start blogging?
    I just wanted to make myself write more, I’ve always enjoyed it!

    3.Name the one place in the world (money no object) you want to visit.
    Those luxurious little huts in the middle of a blue ocean (Bora Bora I think?)

    4.What famous-for-being-famous โ€œcelebrityโ€ do you hate the most?
    Hmmm not sure.

    5.If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Pie and mash haha ๐Ÿ™‚ (that was my first instinct!!)

    6.Why do you follow my blog? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Because you love books and you seem pretty darn awesome!

    7.Popular or acclaimed film that you did not like?
    I hate Forrest Gump

    8.Advice or tips you wish you would have had when starting blogging?
    I wish I’d taken regular print screens of my site so I can see how it’s evolved. Also, I wish I’d written less rubbish at the beginning ha!

    9.What person in history would like to meet, and why?
    In history like educational history? Educational?!!! Oh no! Haha. Probably Albert Einstein. I read a fact once that he used to ‘accidentally’ let his robe fly open towards women he found attractive. If they liked what they saw….well….you know the rest! He seemed like a really funny, playful man apart from all the clever stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

    10.Which fictional character do you see yourself as?
    Alabama Worley from True Romance. Sadly I’m more like Floyd!

    11.What underrated book or film do you like, and you would want others to check out?
    I LOVE the book Starter for Ten. They made it into a film but never really did it justice. With films I could name hundreds. There’s a small British film called Final Cut (starring Jude Law and Ray Winstone) no-one has seen it but it’s SUCH a good, clever film!

    • In Cold Blood is saved on my favourites list atm (along with dozens of others!)

      Run Forrest Run! :p

      I’ll add Starter for Ten to the list of films I’m going to watch for my Short Film Ratings posts. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Pingback: Liebster Award (part 2) | Book Reviews & Haikus

  6. Pingback: I’m Slowly Catching Up – Liebster Award – The Writing Hufflepuff

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