10 Amazing WordPress Facts: Infographic


10 Amazing WordPress facts you didn’t know in 2015: Infographic

[ Here’s an interesting article I came across today and I thought I would share it with you all ]- The Humpo Show 🙂 


WordPress started as a humble blogging platform created by founders Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little on May 27, 2003 .

Since that day WordPress has grown into a fully fledged application framework, and powers sites for brands like The New York Times, CNN, Forbes, Ebay and Mashable.

As we got curious about how widely WordPress is actually used, we stumbled onto numbers that are mind-boggling. We knew they deserved their own infographic. So we put one together for everybody to enjoy.

Here are some truly amazing facts about WordPress in 2015.


 We ourselves are amazed by these numbers. 23% of sites run on WordPress. 76.5 million blogs are published on WordPress. And as you see the list goes on.

We sourced our data for this infographic from the guys at DMR.

Want to spread the word about how big WordPress has become? Share the infographic around.

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